Camera 1–Remote Control–Top of the Lighthouse

Camera 1- Remote Control –located on the top of the light tower..UWCpearsoncollegeiconPlease close this screen after you have watched it.

Temporary Link to Camera 1 because of changes to https on this website .. Use this link for Camera1



Directions for Control: Press the lower right square cross icon to gain control for 2 minutes at a time .  You can regain control if no one else is trying to control the camera. Use the presets or click directly on the picture to change positions. Use the vertical bar to zoom. At the top middle click on 320×240 down arrow and select 640×480. Please close this page when not in use to help us provide better bandwidth to others.  Lester Pearson College purchased this camera, a Canon VB-C60  from NuSpectra.

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The Journey of #444X

Wednesday September 18, 2024

Not a huge day facilities wise. We did our daily repair of the electric fences, and chopped a little more wood.

However, we did receive some cool news from Brian Wright, the NOAA scientist who we reported the branded sea lions to. He told us that number 444X, was first tagged in Astoria all the way back in 2016, and he has not been reported since.

This information is super valuable to scientists and managers because it shows what areas are being used by these animals, the extent of their ranges, and how long they can live. (Which for a California Sea Lion is 15 – 25 years!).

Mark and recapture studies are also very important for estimating functional population size, and this type of study design is used for lots of fundamental ecological work. This infographic from FishBio, nicely explains how a mark-recapture study can work in an open environment! Again, this is a good reminder to report any tagged animals you encounter!

Whale Watching Vessels: 20

Private Vessels: 0

Weather: Mix of Sun and Cloud.  Calm during the day, wind picked up to 12kts W

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